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World Cancer Day


World Cancer Day 2022

World Cancer Day, held every 4 February,is the global uniting initiative led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). By raising worldwide awareness, improving education and catalysing personal, collective and government action, we are all working together to reimagine a world where millions of preventable cancer deaths are saved and access to life-saving cancer treatment and care is equitable for all - no matter who you are or where you live. 

Created in 2000, World Cancer Day has grown into a positive movement for everyone, everywhere to unite under one voice to face one of our greatest challenges in history.

While we live in a time of awe-inspiring advancements in cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment, many of us who seek cancer care hit barriers at every turn. Income, education, geographical location and discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability and lifestyle are just a few of the factors that can negatively affect care. 

Help us to support World Cancer Day 2022! To find out how you can get involved visit World Cancer Day.

Help us to spread the message!

Use Twitter to be part of the conversation leading up to, and on World Cancer Day using the hashtags #WorldCancerDay or visit Cancer Australia’s Twitter page.

Healthy Lifestyle : What's your risk?

Did you know that lifestyle choices can make a big difference to your risk of cancer?

World experts estimate that more than half of all cancers could be prevented through a combination of healthy lifestyle and regular screening.

Visit Cancer Australia’s Check your cancer risk tool to assess your individual lifestyle choices including weight and diet, physical activity, alcohol consumption, smoking and sun exposure. Once you have assessed your cancer risk, find out how you can make healthy changes to your lifestyle at our Lifestyle & risk reduction webpage.