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Principles of multidisciplinary care

Principles of multidisciplinary care

The 'Principles of multidisciplinary care' provides a flexible definition of MDC, allowing for variation in implementation according to cancer type and the location of service provision. The principles are designed to be relevant for all cancers, across a range of health-care settings.  A summary of the 'Principles of multidisciplinary care' include:


Principle of care Outcome


The disciplines represented by the core team should minimally include surgery, oncology (radiation and medical oncology), pathology, radiology and supportive care. The individual patient’s general practitioner will be part of the team

The core team is established and known


In order to ensure that the patient has access to the full range of therapeutic options, the core team may be expanded or contracted to include services (may be off site), such as genetics, psychiatry, physiotherapy and nuclear medicine

Referral networks established for non-core team specialist services


Principle of care Outcome


A communications framework should be established which supports and ensures interactive participation from all relevant team members at regular and dedicated case conference meetings

Communication mechanisms are established to facilitate case discussion by all team members


Multidisciplinary input should be considered for all patients with cancer, however, not all cases may ultimately necessitate team discussion

A local protocol is established for deciding which cases may not require team discussion

Full therapeutic range

Principle of care Outcome


Geographical remoteness and/or small size of the institution delivering care should not be impediments to the delivery of multidisciplinary care for patients with cancer

Systems are established for ensuring that all patients have access to all relevant services


The members of the team should support the multidisciplinary approach to care by establishing collaborative working links

Systems are established to support collaborative working links between team members

Standards of care

Principle of care Outcome


All clinicians involved in the management of patients with cancer should practice in accord with guideline recommendations

Local clinician data is consistent with national benchmarks


The treatment plan for a patient should consider individual patient circumstances and wishes

The final treatment plan is acceptable to the patient, where possible


Discussion and decisions about treatment options should only be considered when all relevant patient results and information are available

Final reports are available to all core team members before treatment planning


In areas where the number of new cancers is small, formal collaborative links with larger units/centres should give support and foster expertise in the smaller unit

Systems are established for the exchange of knowledge and expertise between larger and smaller caseload centres


Maintenance of standards of best practice is supported by a number of activities which promote professional development

Systems are established for the support of professional education activities

Involvement of the patient

Principle of care Outcome


Patients with cancer should be encouraged to participate as members of the multidisciplinary team in treatment planning

Patients are supported to have as much input into their treatment plan as they wish


The patient diagnosed with cancer should be fully informed of his/her treatment options as well as the benefits, risks and possible complications of treatments offered. Appropriate literature should be offered to assist his/her decision making. This information should be made available to the patient in a form that is appropriate to his/her educational level, language and culture

All patients are fully informed  about all aspects of their treatment choices


Supportive care is an integral part of multidisciplinary care. Clinicians who treat patients with cancer should inform them of how to access appropriate support services

All clinicians involved in the management of patients with cancer ensure that patients have information about and access to support services


The patient with cancer should be aware of the ongoing collaboration and communication between members of the multidisciplinary team about his/her treatment

Patients with cancer feel that their care is coordinated and not fragmented

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