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Cancer Australia Publications

Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) in women in New South Wales 1995-2000

This report is the second to describe in full the epidemiology of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) in New South Wales (NSW). It analyses data from the NSW Central Cancer Registry (CCR) in 1995-2000. 53 page document.

File name: dcw-1-dcis-in-women-in-nsw-1995-2000_504af03657ffb.pdf
File size: 798.06 KB
Cancer Type: Breast cancer
Publication Audience: Cancer Australia reports and plans
Year: 2003
Document Status: Greater than 5 years

This resource was developed, reviewed or revised more than 5 years ago and may no longer reflect current evidence or best practice.