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Cancer Australia Publications

NBOCC* and RACS National Breast Cancer Audit Public Health Monitoring Series 2007 data

A total of 4,979 Australian women with early invasive breast cancer were treated by breast surgeons participating in the National Breast Cancer Audit (NBCA) in 2007, the majority of whom were full members of the Breast Section of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Details of these cancers and of their management are described in this report by age at diagnosis, treatment centre location, and referral source. In situ lesions, and invasive cancers recorded by the NBCA among New Zealand women, are not addressed.

File name: nbcaw-nbocc-racs-national-b...af02b16dcf.pdf
File size: 410.99 KB
Cancer Type: Breast cancer
Publication Audience: Cancer Australia reports and plans
Year: 2009
Document Status: Greater than 5 years

This resource was developed, reviewed or revised more than 5 years ago and may no longer reflect current evidence or best practice.