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Cancer Australia Publications

Study of breast cancer screening characteristics and breast cancer survival

This study provides a national overview of breast cancer screening and survival in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women of Australia. Cancer Australia (formerly National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre*) undertook this study in response to the clear evidence of disadvantage among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples compared with other Australians, and the lack of high quality, national breast cancer data available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.

File name: aboriginal_torres_strait_is...012_final_51183c0d8e50f.pdf
File size: 600.72 KB
Cancer Type: Breast cancer
Publication Audience: People affected by cancer, and their family and friends
Year: 2012
Document Status: Greater than 5 years

This resource was developed, reviewed or revised more than 5 years ago and may no longer reflect current evidence or best practice.