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Stakeholder workshops


Outcomes of further workshops will be announced on this page.

First stakeholder workshop - September 2019 

Cancer Australia convened a lung cancer screening stakeholder engagement workshop on 18 September 2019 to provide an opportunity for key stakeholders to engage with Cancer Australia on the proposed approach to the enquiry into targeted lung cancer screening.

The workshop brought together consumers, key opinion leaders, health providers, policy makers, expert advisors and representatives from peak cancer bodies and professional colleges.

The purpose of the workshop was to seek stakeholder input into the proposed approach to the enquiry into a national targeted lung cancer screening.

In the course of Workshop discussions, three cross-cutting key themes regularly emerged as being critically important to guide all facets of the enquiry:

  • The patient must be at the centre of any lung cancer screening program and the Lung Cancer Screening Program’s design must reflect this.
  • The Program faces challenges in engaging difficult-to-reach target groups that include people living in rural and remote regions, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, culturally and linguistically diverse people and those from socially or economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Key to success is consistency and standardisation of quality across the Program, including of access to low-dose CT (LDCT) scans, reporting and follow up.

These themes have helped to identify where targeted consultation is required and where Cancer Australia must engage the expertise of stakeholders throughout.